633 3 Ave SW Unit 1207

Calgary, AB, T2P 2Y5

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Fridge Repair Calgary

We provide only professional refrigerator repair in Calgary.

You can be sure repairs are carried out only by licensed techs.

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Fridge repair services near me in Calgary

Refrigerator repair service in Calgary, AB

Refrigerator repair service in Calgary, AB

We have our vehicles, which remain busy helping our clients in Calgary with the best possible facility we have. Therefore, you can list us among the fastest service providers. To be specific, we perform refrigerator repair at the most affordable rates. Our team is highly qualified in spotting malfunctioned areas and offering their best services to our customers.

Fridge repair near you

Well, having a local fridge service is no less than a blessing when you are already searching for a ‘refrigerator repair near me.’ At Calgary Repairs, we don’t waste your time in making guesses. Instead, our skilled technicians know the solutions and apply them for the best results.

The home refrigerator service company

We're a specialized refrigerator repair company that has a team of highly professional and skilled techs who work tirelessly to keep your units in top operational condition. They undergo training occasionally to keep themselves updated with the modern models' working and provide qualified and reliable services.

The top 5 questions people ask about refrigerator repair are:

Get a price for refrigerator repair over the phone

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The most common types of refrigerators that we service

Calgary refrigerator technician at work

Several refrigerators are available in the Calgary market today, and our staff is reliable repair.

Most other companies might be best for providing exemplary services, but they might not be your good companions. Yes, we mean it. At the corporate level, high cost is quoted rather than the affordable repair price. And we hate to have certain hidden charges to rob you. Therefore, the priority of our service is to be open and honest with our customers.

Why are we the best?

Our company repairs all makes and brands of the most popular refrigerators.

Refrigerator repair that can't be done by yourself

There are a few refrigerator repair jobs that you should not attempt yourself:

Calgary refrigerator fridge repair

Friendliness is Calgary Appliance Services' guiding principle, which will help you save money on repair services. As early as the first step, as soon as you contact us and describe the problem, our managers will either give you a solution or send a technician to fix it because you can't.

Book an Appointment

The best refrigerator repair is one that is done correctly the first time.

Our professional repair service has the necessary tools and experience to diagnose and repair refrigerator issues. Technicians understand the problem and can explain the repair process clearly.

All parts in the truck!

Original refrigerator parts

Fixing your fridge is a delicate process that requires special tools and experience; the most important thing is quality parts.

Over 25 years of experience. Please consult with our professional repair service to get the best advice.

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Refrigerator brands we commonly maintenance