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Refrigerator Not Cooling

The significance of a well-functioning refrigerator.

When it stops cooling, it disrupts your daily routine and can lead to food waste and inconvenience.

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Refrigerator Not Cooling

What should I do if my fridge isn't working?

What should I do if my refrigerator isn't working?

The first step in diagnosing a problem with your refrigerator is to identify it. Look for noticeable signs of damage, such as a broken seal on the door, a faulty air compressor, or a leaky drain pan. It's best to call a refrigerator technician if you cannot identify the problem. The technician can make an accurate diagnosis and will recommend the best course.

If a warranty covers your refrigerator, you may receive a repair at no cost from the manufacturer. The technician will estimate the cost of repairs if your refrigerator needs to be covered by warranty. The cost of repairs may be higher than the price of a brand-new refrigerator. Therefore, it is best to compare the prices before making a decision.

Hiring a qualified technician and using original parts when repairing your refrigerator is essential. The repair could cause further damage and ultimately cost you more money if it needs to be done correctly.

Understanding Cooling Problems